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Nature Articles

A golden reward
Approaching Golden, B.C., on the Trans-Canada Highway, we’re straining our necks to scan the surrounding mountainsides…

Kootenay researchers featured in new caving documentary ‘Subterranean’
A team of passionate adventurers who have spent more than a decade exploring the Bisaro Anima…
Kootenay researchers featured in new caving documentary ‘Subterranean’Read More

See nature’s ‘cannonballs’ at Vancouver Island’s sandstone cliffs and beaches
Beach-goers who take a stroll along the water’s edge of Yellow Point, Gabriola Island and Sayshutsun,…
See nature’s ‘cannonballs’ at Vancouver Island’s sandstone cliffs and beachesRead More

VIDEO: Vancouver Island studio captures stunning time-lapse of Northern Lights
Kim Bannerman was getting ready retire for the evening on a recent Sunday night. Mother Nature…
VIDEO: Vancouver Island studio captures stunning time-lapse of Northern LightsRead More

‘I have no words to describe it.’ Eagle released from wildlife recovery centre
Denise Foster was over the moon when she was given the honour of releasing a rehabilitated…
‘I have no words to describe it.’ Eagle released from wildlife recovery centreRead More

‘Heart of the Fraser’ riverfront property near Agassiz to be restored to natural state
The B.C. Parks Foundation has made a major Agassiz-area purchase in the name of conservation. The…
‘Heart of the Fraser’ riverfront property near Agassiz to be restored to natural stateRead More

Environmental group releases tips for salmon viewing this season
At the height of the salmon migration and spawning season, which often draws hundreds of thousands…
Environmental group releases tips for salmon viewing this seasonRead More

Wildflower Festival to bring a splash of colour to Revelstoke
A celebration of Revelstoke’s colourful, beautiful alpine is coming up at August’s Wildflower Festival. The third…
Wildflower Festival to bring a splash of colour to RevelstokeRead More

B.C. patients can now get a prescription for a Parks Canada Discovery Pass
A new program from the BC Parks Foundation will help treat medical issues by giving patients…
B.C. patients can now get a prescription for a Parks Canada Discovery PassRead More