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Wildlife Articles

Wildlife festival celebrates nature’s spectacle on Vancouver Island
Each spring, Vancouver Island’s Parksville and Qualicum Beach communities come alive with the flutter of wings…
Wildlife festival celebrates nature’s spectacle on Vancouver IslandRead More

Whales play ‘I spy’ with Victoria breakwater visitors
Walking Victoria’s shoreline can be the perfect opportunity to spy on the region’s abundance of wildlife;…
Whales play ‘I spy’ with Victoria breakwater visitorsRead More

Victoria’s Inner Harbour becoming dining hotspot for killer whales
A new attraction could be drawing visitors to the spectacular sights found at Victoria’s iconic Inner…
Victoria’s Inner Harbour becoming dining hotspot for killer whalesRead More

As spring nears, B.C.’s greatest climber returns to the province’s rocky bluffs
High on the rocky bluffs above Sunningdale as springtime nears, one of nature’s most extraordinary climbers…
As spring nears, B.C.’s greatest climber returns to the province’s rocky bluffsRead More

Salish Sea’s newest orca is female and doing well: researchers
The Centre for Whale Research says it’s confirmed a new killer whale calf in a pod…
Salish Sea’s newest orca is female and doing well: researchersRead More

B.C. eco-tour grizzlies less likely to be involved in human conflict
Grizzly bears that visited ecotourism areas along a river on the British Columbia’s central coast were…
B.C. eco-tour grizzlies less likely to be involved in human conflictRead More

Bear tales: A grizzly adventure of a lifetime!
By Andrew Franklin Few wildlife experiences compare with seeing a grizzly bear in its natural environment.…

Bearing down: Grizzly image captures top Amateur Photographer of the Year prize
After all the photos were taken and the votes were cast, the West Coast Traveller is…
Bearing down: Grizzly image captures top Amateur Photographer of the Year prizeRead More

Vancouver Island diver’s camera captures a whale of an underwater tale
As a scuba diver and underwater videographer based in Barkley Sound, Peter Mieras has seen some…
Vancouver Island diver’s camera captures a whale of an underwater taleRead More
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